
FTI Consulting Highlights Key Healthcare & Life Sciences Sector Challenges in 2024

Published December 14, 2023

The healthcare and life sciences industry faces significant headwinds as it forges ahead into 2024, according to a comprehensive survey by FTI Consulting, Inc. FCN, a global business advisory firm headquartered in Washington, D.C., with expertise in managing change, mitigating risk, and resolving disputes. Critical issues identified include economic and political uncertainty, rising cybersecurity threats, talent shortages, and the financial impact of decreasing reimbursement rates for services, all of which pose substantial risks to the stability and growth of this vital sector.

Economic and Political Challenges

The unpredictability of the economic and political landscapes has been flagged as a primary concern for stakeholders within the healthcare and life sciences industry. Fluctuations in fiscal and monetary policies, alongside evolving political priorities, continue to create an environment of uncertainty that could affect investment and strategic decision-making across the sector.

The Cybersecurity Threat

Another critical risk identified by the survey is cybersecurity. As healthcare and life sciences entities increasingly rely on digital technologies, the potential for cyber incidents escalates. These threats range from data breaches to ransomware attacks, jeopardizing patient privacy, corporate data, and critical infrastructure.

Talent Scarcity

The survey highlights a growing concern for talent scarcity as one of the leading risks facing the industry. Recruiting and retaining skilled professionals is becoming increasingly difficult, thereby impacting the sector's ability to maintain high standards of service and innovation.

Declining Reimbursement Rates

Diminishing reimbursement rates present another formidable challenge, with survey respondents indicating concern over the potential tightening of payment policies by insurance companies and government programs. This fiscal pressure could result in reduced revenues and complicate funding for new technologies and treatments.

economic, political, cybersecurity, talent, reimbursement