
Groundbreaking INHALE-3 Study Validates Efficacy of Inhaled Insulin for Type 1 Diabetes

Published June 23, 2024

The continuous quest for effective diabetes management in Type 1 diabetes (T1D) has witnessed a promising development as the INHALE-3 Study results were presented at the American Diabetes Association's 84th Scientific Sessions. MannKind Corporation MNKD, a leader in the pharmaceutical industry specializing in inhaled therapeutic products, has shared optimistic outcomes from their head-to-head comparison study of inhaled insulin versus conventional care methods. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of inhaled insulin in managing blood glucose levels in adults living with T1D.

Study Outcome: Equal Footing for Inhaled Insulin and Conventional Treatment

The INHALE-3 Study successfully met its primary endpoint, demonstrating that inhaled insulin can stand shoulder to shoulder with the standard treatment modalities—automated insulin delivery pumps and multiple daily injections. This finding is a significant stride for patients seeking alternative methods to the invasive nature of insulin injections and the management burden of continuous pump therapy.

About MannKind Corporation

MannKind Corporation MNKD, headquartered in Westlake Village, California, dedicates its efforts to the creation of inhaled treatments for endocrine and orphan lung diseases in the United States. With this latest study finding, MannKind reinforces its commitment to providing innovative healthcare solutions that can significantly improve the daily lives of individuals managing chronic health conditions such as T1D.

Implications for T1D Treatment and MNKD Market Perception

The positive outcomes from the INHALE-3 Study not only bring hope to adults dealing with T1D but may also have favorable implications for MannKind Corporation's market perception. As effective management of T1D remains a substantial need within the healthcare industry, advancements such as inhaled insulin could revolutionize the current standards of care and position MNKD as a prominent player in the diabetes management market.

inhalable, insulin, diabetes