
Srinivasan Venkatakrishnan Purchases 2,000 Shares of BlackRock World Mining Trust plc (LON:BRWM) Stock

Published March 6, 2025

On March 5th, 2025, Srinivasan Venkatakrishnan, an insider at BlackRock World Mining Trust plc (LON:BRWM – Get Free Report), purchased 2,000 shares of the company's stock. The shares were acquired at an average price of GBX 476, which is approximately $6.14 per share, leading to a total expenditure of £9,520 (about $12,271.20).

BlackRock World Mining Trust Stock Performance

As of Thursday, BRWM opened at GBX 478.50 ($6.17). This investment trust has a market capitalization of £916.36 million, with a price-to-earnings ratio standing at -68.45 and a beta value of 1.01. Over the past 50 days, the stock’s simple moving average was GBX 491.40, while the 200-day average stood at GBX 507.38. The stock has experienced a twelve-month low of GBX 463.20 ($5.97) and a high of GBX 634 ($8.17).

On the same day as the share purchase, BlackRock World Mining Trust also released its quarterly earnings report. The investment trust recorded earnings of GBX 23.09 ($0.30) per share for the quarter. However, it reported a negative net margin of -153.65% and a negative return on equity (-1.19%).

BlackRock World Mining Trust Increases Dividend

The firm recently declared a dividend that was paid out on February 27th. Shareholders who were on record as of February 13th received a dividend of GBX 12 ($0.15) per share, giving a yield of 3.62%. This dividend marks an increase from the previous dividend of GBX 5.50. The ex-dividend date was also February 13th. BlackRock World Mining Trust’s dividend payout ratio is reported at -486.41%.

About BlackRock World Mining Trust

The BlackRock World Mining Trust aims to provide a diverse range of investments in global mining and metal assets. The company actively manages its portfolio with the goal of maximizing total returns. The investment policy primarily focuses on quoted securities, but it also includes investments in royalties from the production of metals and minerals as well as physical metals.

BlackRock, Mining, Investment