
Ajax Combats Online Abuse by Removing Player Names from Jerseys for a Stand Against Social Hate

Published December 10, 2023

In an influential move designed to confront the rampant social hate prevalent online, Ajax's professional football teams—the men's and women's squads—are taking to the field with jerseys absent of their typical player names. Instead, each jersey will be adorned with a symbolic trio of dots. This initiative was revealed on December 9, 2023, in an Amsterdam-based press release. The action seeks to create a strong statement against the stream of over 1,500 hate messages that players are subjected to each month on various social platforms. By stripping away the names and replacing them with dots, Ajax is sending a powerful message: that the identity and humanity of players are not targets for hate and abuse.

The Unity Symbol

The three dots featured on the players' kits are not merely aesthetic choices but carry a significant meaning. They represent unity, equality, and inclusion—core values that Ajax and its community stand for. With each dot symbolizing every member of the team and the supporters, Ajax's campaign transcends the realm of sports, advocating for a wider social change and a call to action for individuals and organizations alike to join in the stand against online hate.

Engagement with the Community

Ajax's commitment to combating social hate doesn't stop at the symbolic gesture of altering their jerseys. The club has placed significant focus on engaging with their fans and community, holding discussions around the effects of online hate, and promoting a more positive and supportive environment both on and off the pitch. This initiative points towards a larger movement within the world of sports, where athletes and institutions realize the platform they hold and use it to push for societal wellbeing.

Ajax, Unity, Inclusion