
ROSEN Law Firm Encourages SSR Mining Shareholders to Inquire About Potential Securities Class Action

Published March 16, 2024

NEW YORK, March 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) The esteemed Rosen Law Firm, renowned on a global scale for advocating investors' rights, is actively pursuing an investigation into potential securities claims on behalf of the shareholders of SSRM, SSR Mining Inc. This development comes in light of allegations concerning possible violations of federal securities laws by the mining entity.

Investigation into SSR Mining Inc.

Accelerating its efforts, Rosen Law Firm's investigation targets to identify whether SSRM has been involved in any fraudulent practices or has made materially misleading statements affecting its stock value. SSR Mining Inc., with its operational footprint spanning Turkey and the Americas, specializes in acquiring, exploring, developing, and operating precious metal resource properties. The Vancouver, Canada-based company has been a notable player in the precious metals industry.

Shareholder Inquiries Prompted

The investigation by Rosen Law Firm signifies a proactive approach to protect and potentially recover shareholders' investments. Shareholders who have experienced a loss due to possible corporate misdeeds are encouraged to reach out and get informed concerning their rights and options. The inquiry may burgeon into a class action lawsuit depending on the findings that unravel as the law firm delves deeper into the activities of SSRM.

It is imperative for investors in SSR Mining Inc. to stay aware of the evolving situation and seek guidance amid possible securities violations that could impact their financial holdings in the company.

Investigation, Securities, Shareholders