
Survey Reveals Business Leaders Worried About Adaptation to Key Risk Megatrends

Published July 17, 2024

A comprehensive survey spearheaded by Aon plc AON, a global professional services firm offering a vast portfolio of financial risk mitigation products, has revealed an unsettling sentiment among business decision makers. An astonishing 86% of respondents acknowledge the importance of prevailing megatrends such as Trade, Technology, Weather, and Workforce dynamics to their organizations. These findings underscore the urgency felt by businesses to adapt to evolving risks.

Increasing Concern Over Megatrend Adaptation

Navigating an ever-shifting economic and societal landscape, many business leaders express concern that their companies might not be able to pivot quickly enough to manage risks associated with expanding megatrends. This nervousness is particularly acute with regard to weather-related crises, which have become increasingly unpredictable and consequential. Such events have the potential to disrupt supply chains, damage infrastructure, and divert business plans.

The Role of Data and Analytics

The survey also points to a correlation between confidence in decision-making and access to robust data and analytics. Decision makers who demonstrate a sense of assurance in their strategies are those who make informed choices rooted in comprehensive data analysis. They view deep insights into risk and people management issues as a critical component of effective governance and risk preparedness.

Adapting to Weather and Climate Risks

Among the array of megatrends, weather and climate issues are garnering increasing focus. Business leaders are acutely aware of the need to develop adaptable strategies that can withstand the capricious nature of global climate patterns. The imperative to protect against and respond efficiently to adverse weather events is more pertinent than ever, as these phenomena pose a material challenge to the stability and continuity of operations across various sectors.

Adaptation, Megatrends, Risk