
Prime Minister Modi Issues Caution Against Excessive Screen Time to 'Exam Warriors'

Published February 11, 2024

Amidst the digital age, where electronic devices have become pervasive in our daily lives, a cautionary advice comes from the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Addressing students during the seventh 'Pariksha Pe Charcha' event in New Delhi, the Prime Minister emphasized the negative impacts excessive screen time can have on young minds and well-being. Recognizing the essential role technology plays in current educational and social landscapes, Modi's comments were not an indictment of technology per se but rather a warning against its overuse.

Health and Developmental Concerns

Excessive screen time has been linked to a myriad of health issues ranging from poor sleep quality to impaired eyesight. Developmental problems such as reduced attention span and hindered social skills are also associated with prolonged exposure to electronic device screens. Young students, often referred to as 'exam warriors' by Modi, are especially vulnerable due to the pressures of academic performance and the digital nature of modern learning environments.

Striking a Healthy Balance

Modi's advice is particularly timely as students across the globe navigate the increasing demands of online learning and digital assignments. He urged students to find equilibrium by limiting their use of electronic devices and encouraged alternative activities that promote physical and mental health. The push for moderation serves as a reminder that while technology facilitates learning and connectivity, it should not dominate our lives to the point of causing harm.

technology, health, education