
Governor DeSantis Highlights High Tax Exodus: Newsom's Father-In-Law Moves to Florida

Published December 1, 2023

Amid the ongoing debate between states over tax policies and their impact on residency decisions, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has made a pointed remark concerning his Californian counterpart, Governor Gavin Newsom. DeSantis asserted that Newsom's father-in-law is among those who have chosen to relocate to Florida, citing the state's lower tax rates and cost of living as the driving factors behind the move. This public commentary underscores a critical issue faced by many Californians: the challenge of navigating high taxes and the increasing cost of living in their state.

Migration Trends Influenced by Taxation

Tax-induced migration is not a new phenomenon; however, it has become a more prevalent topic of discussion as prominent figures and their families publicly shift their domicile for financial benefits. Florida, with no state income tax, stands in contrast to California, where residents are subjected to some of the nation's highest tax rates. Governor DeSantis's remarks regarding the Newsom family migration have brought additional attention to the financial incentives that might encourage individuals and businesses to move to more tax-friendly states.

The Impact on Local Economies

The relocation of high-net-worth individuals and key players in various industries can significantly impact local economies, influencing job markets and real estate trends. As such, the assertion that Governor Newsom's father-in-law, who certainly would be considered a high-influence individual, chose Florida over California is not just a private decision but one with potentially broader economic implications.

Moreover, companies may also consider tax advantages in their operational strategies. For instance, technology company Shutterstock, Inc. SSTK, which provides creative content, tools, and services internationally, is headquartered in New York, exhibiting the importance of strategic location choices. Similarly, Fox Corporation FOX, an American mass media company, operates out of New York City. These companies, while not directly linked to the Newsom-DeSantis discourse, represent the broader trend of businesses considering tax environments in their locational decisions.

Taxation, Migration, Policy