
Investigation on HireRight Sale: Is It a Fair Deal for Shareholders?

Published May 24, 2024

San Diego-based shareholder rights law firm Johnson Fistel, LLP is conducting an investigation into the potential breach of fiduciary duties by the board of directors of HireRight Holdings HRT in the context of the company's proposed acquisition. This scrutiny comes amid concerns regarding whether the proposed transaction is just and reasonable for the shareholders of HireRight. The move has raised questions about whether the board members have upheld their responsibilities to act in the best interests of the company's investors.

Details on HireRight Holdings and Proposed Sale

HRT, which operates within the background screening industry, has entered into an agreement that could shift the control of the company to an undisclosed investment entity. This proposed deal has prompted the investigation by Johnson Fistel to ensure that the sale terms are fair and that shareholders receive equitable treatment as a result of any completed transaction.

About Arrhythmia Research Technology

In relation to the ticker symbol HRT, it's crucial to note another entity, Arrhythmia Research Technology, Inc. ART, which is distinctly separate from HireRight Holdings. ART, operating via its Massachusetts subsidiary Micron Products, Inc., is involved in diverse manufacturing activities, including precision machining, plastic molding, and precious metal coating. ART has no direct involvement with the HireRight transaction but shares the HRT ticker, a point meriting clarification for investors and market observers.

Shareholder Interests at Forefront

The overarching goal of Johnson Fistel's investigation is to safeguard the interests of HRT shareholders, ensuring that they receive maximum value for their investments. Should the findings indicate any discrepancy in the deal-making process or suggest that shareholder interests were compromised, Johnson Fistel is prepared to take appropriate legal action to rectify any identified issues.

investigation, shareholders, fairness